[rt-devel] Search for attachment content failing

Shawn Crosby scrosby at jacqueswhitford.com
Sun Feb 23 07:56:31 EST 2003

OK...it seems that in Tickets_Overlay.pm in sub _TransLimit, there is a
line that defines an alias for the transaction and attachments tables
but only if they aren't already defined.  Seems like they are 'defined'
no matter what.  I got rid of the 'unless' part and it seems to work
pretty good now:
  $sb->{_sql_transalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Transactions')
    unless defined $sb->{_sql_transalias};
  $sb->{_sql_trattachalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Attachments')
    unless defined $sb->{_sql_trattachalias};
  $sb->{_sql_transalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Transactions');
  $sb->{_sql_trattachalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Attachments');
Does anyone see any potential problems with this?


>>> Robert Spier 02/23/03 04:40AM >>> 
Shawn Crosby wrote: 
> When I do a search of attachments in 2-1-75 it returns no 
> results...(except the first time I tried for some reason)...and the 
> apache error log says: 


Please provide a little more information as to _how_ you did a 
search of attachments? What field did you enter data in? 


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