[rt-devel] RestrictionValues Function...

Matt Knopp mhat at netlag.com
Sun Feb 23 22:51:41 EST 2003

So Perl has this feature where the last variable on the stack is returned 
as the lvalue for a given function/method.  Some programmers like to take 
advantage of this "feature". 

For example: 
   sub add { 
       my ($x, $y) = @_; 

   print "-> ", add(1,2), "\n"; 

Will print out: 
   -> 3

Personally I don't see what is so hard about typing return(...) but then
again I also don't understand why people buy honda civics and then spend
$20k on them without improving the performance. Heh. 

Anyway, RestrictionValues(...) is going to return whatever the call to 
map() returns.  It's /magic/. 

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