[rt-devel] RT SOAP and Java interface

Sebastian Cramer sc at graf-schabernack.de
Mon Jul 14 05:34:03 EDT 2003

Jesse Vincent wrote:

>>Any help regarding the WSDL or any other way to interface would be 
>>greatly appreciated. :-)
>(as mentioned elsewhere in the thread, it's being worked on. I hope to
>have time to polish the current state and roll a new release soon. A
>WSDL file for the soap server is part of the new work)
I would love that. As soon as it is available I will start developing 
and testing. Is there a way to get something like a pre-release (if one 
is available)?

>I'd recommend something like the MIT / X License or the BSD license with
>the advertising clause removed, as it gives parties who are interested
>in building clients that talk to RT the most flexibility. But really,
>use whatever makes sense to you. A Licensing Discussion (read: flamewar)
>isn't something that really belongs on rt-devel. ;)
NO. We don't want THAT kind'a thing. Was just a short question wether 
there is any preference... I see there is a slight preference - I will 
look into it. But there needs to be some software before we can licence 
it... :-)



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