[rt-devel] 3 Bugs or Features

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Jul 16 16:56:53 EDT 2003

On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 01:48:35PM -0700, Daniel Israel wrote:
> I just installed RT (3.0.4) and RTFM (2-0RC1), and I'm very impressed.
> There were several things I noticed that I thought could be improved
> (some may be bugs, others features).
> 1) On the Home screen, if I click on the name of a queue I get a nasty
>    perl error.

_What_ nasty perl error? Was it complaining about Storable.xs? Are you
running RedHat 9?

> 2) Non-privileged users don't show up in user searches.  In fact, the
>    only way to find a non-privileged user is to find the Requestor link
>    in one of his tickets.

Do they not show up when your search on username or email at
/Admin/Users/ ? It seems to work for me.

> 3) This one is definitely a feature request.  Have you considered
>    allowing people to create their own accounts through the web
>    interface?  Obviously, this would require setting some default
>    privilege level for self registered users.

Yeah. it's low on the list. Patches appreciated. (but probably for 3.2,
not 3.0.x)

> -- 
> Daniel M. Israel
> <daniel at cfd.ame.arizona.edu>		1130 North Mountain Ave.
> Dept. of Aerospace & Mechanical		The University of Arizona
>   Engineering				Tucson, AZ  85711
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