[rt-devel] RT2 -> RT3 conversion

Daniel Foster daniel at 34sp.com
Tue Jul 29 05:56:20 EDT 2003


I've tried to run the rt2 to rt3 conversion tool, but I get an error 
after it's finished importing users.  This is the second time I've run 
it - first time for some reason tickets above ~13500 (out of ~60000) 
didn't get imported.  After running for about 3 days.

Here's the error I get:

Importing groups
g[Tue Jul 29 09:31:44 2003] [crit]: No such pseudo-hash field 
"HASH(0xb5d06dc)" at ./dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 line 131.

Any clues as to why this would be or what I can do about it?

Daniel Foster
Technical Director

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