[rt-devel] cachedgroupmembers oddness?

Philip Warner pjw at rhyme.com.au
Fri May 2 04:23:18 EDT 2003

I think that since upgrading to 3.02preX (now pre4) from 3.0, I have 
started seeing duplicated usernames in lists.

The users table has only single entries, but most times a list of users is 
presented or used, the usernames are duplicated. This means that the "10 
Highest Priority Tickets I requested" has double entries, 
"Counfiguration->Users" has double entries etc etc.

I have taken the query used to generate these lists, and it seems that the 
problem is created by the final cross to CACHEDGROUPMEMBERS.

I'd be really interested to know what this table as and how/if it can be 
reconstructed (on the assumption I broke it somehow).

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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