[rt-devel] cachedgroupmembers oddness?

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri May 2 07:54:34 EDT 2003

What database are you using? And what DBIx::SearchBuilder are you using? 
Early 0.81_x searchbuilders contained a bug that manifested as multiple
repeated entries in lists.

On Fri, May 02, 2003 at 06:23:18PM +1000, Philip Warner wrote:
> I think that since upgrading to 3.02preX (now pre4) from 3.0, I have 
> started seeing duplicated usernames in lists.
> The users table has only single entries, but most times a list of users is 
> presented or used, the usernames are duplicated. This means that the "10 
> Highest Priority Tickets I requested" has double entries, 
> "Counfiguration->Users" has double entries etc etc.
> I have taken the query used to generate these lists, and it seems that the 
> problem is created by the final cross to CACHEDGROUPMEMBERS.
> I'd be really interested to know what this table as and how/if it can be 
> reconstructed (on the assumption I broke it somehow).
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