[rt-users] Re: [rt-devel] rt2 to rt3 db conversion problems

Justin Clayton justincl at u.washington.edu
Tue May 20 16:42:45 EDT 2003

Jesse Vincent wrote:
> Why don't you try sending the dumpfiles for the two tickets you've
> referenced? Sending data illustrating a problem is often a good way to
> help track down the issue itself.

Here goes. I'm sure you will all at least get a kick out my users' 
requests :-). The ticket dumps are attached.

--Justin Clayton
justincl at u.washington.edu

> On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 12:53:21PM -0700, justin m. clayton wrote:
>>So, now I'm not getting the [crit] errors, but the condition is still
>>there. It's also worth noting that I've been creating new tickets through
>>the webui since the import, and they don't seem to have this problem,
>>further pointing to the dumpfile-rt3 script as the source of this issue.
>>--Justin Clayton
>>justincl at u.washington.edu
>>On Tue, 20 May 2003, justin m. clayton wrote:
>>>I haven't gotten a response regarding my conversion problems in a week's
>>>time, and I'm just wondering if it's something simple that is so obvious
>>>to everyone else that it isn't worth a response... :-)
>>>Here's some more info that may help:
>>>* Red Hat 7.3
>>>* mysql-3.23.54a-3.73 rpm
>>>* Ticket 1069, when reply or comment is clicked in the webui, appears to
>>>have the content of ticket 1078. This happens all over the place, though
>>>sometimes the text is "This ticket appears to have no content" on reply.
>>>* The exported text forms of the tickets appear to be correct.
>>>* I've tried re-importing, with the same result.
>>>I've noticed that the [crit] error with ACE_Overlay.pm seems to be a
>>>common issue with others on the list. Any help would be appreciated.
>>>--Justin Clayton
>>>justincl at u.washington.edu
>>>On Tue, 13 May 2003, justin m. clayton wrote:
>>>>I got strange output during dump->rt3 conversion, and now it appears that
>>>>ticket content has been mixed up a bit (the ticket display page has the
>>>>correct body, but hitting "reply" indent-includes the wrong body from a
>>>>different ticket entirely). Here's the output of the conversion script:
>>>>Importing users
>>>>Importing groups
>>>>[Tue May 13 22:42:31 2003] [crit]: 1
>>>>[Tue May 13 22:42:31 2003] [crit]: Can't load a principal for id
>>>>[Tue May 13 22:42:31 2003] [crit]: 1
>>>>[Tue May 13 22:42:31 2003] [crit]: Can't load a principal for id
>>>># Repeat last 2 lines 54 times each #
>>>>Importing tickets...t-1
>>>># skip a bit, please
>>>>Importing links
>>>>Could not create scrip: On Status Notify AdminCcs with templateStatus Change inqueue0
>>>>Could not create scrip: On Create Autoreply To Requestors with templateV LS I  Autoreply in queue0
>>>>Could not create scrip: On Resolve Notify Requestors with templateV LS I Resolved in queue0
>>>>Those templates should be "VLSI Resolved", and so forth. It looks like
>>>>other things that didn't get imported properly include Keywords/Custom
>>>>Fields and Templates (and perhaps other things; I haven't taken a tour
>>>>Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
>>>Justin Clayton
>>>VLSI Research System Administrator
>>>University of Washington
>>>Electrical Engineering Dept
>>>justincl at u.washington.edu
>>>206/543.2523  EE/CSE 307E
>>>rt-users mailing list
>>>rt-users at lists.fsck.com
>>>Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at http://fsck.com/rtfm
>>Justin Clayton
>>VLSI Research System Administrator
>>University of Washington
>>Electrical Engineering Dept
>>justincl at u.washington.edu
>>206/543.2523  EE/CSE 307E
>>rt-users mailing list
>>rt-users at lists.fsck.com
>>Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at http://fsck.com/rtfm

Justin Clayton
VLSI Research System Administrator
University of Washington
Electrical Engineering Dept
justincl at u.washington.edu
206/543.2523  EE/CSE 307E
-------------- next part --------------
no warnings qw/redefine/; 
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The info you gave me didn\'t seem to contain the magic number I need. We\'ll
have to delay the installation of this software until Todd gets back. Let
me know if this is a problem.

Justin Clayton
VLSI Research System Administrator
University of Washington
Electrical Engineering Dept
justincl at u.washington.edu
206/543.2523  EE/CSE 307E

                                                   'ContentType' => 'text/plain',
                                                   'Subject' => '[UW/EE Research Computing #1069] ISE Alliance installation',
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	Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:46:25 -0800
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:46:25 -0800 (PST)
From: "justin m. clayton" <justincl at u.washington.edu>
To: vlsihelp at ee.washington.edu
Cc: Kenneth H Eguro <eguro at ee.washington.edu>,
   Scott Hauck <hauck at ee.washington.edu>
Subject: [UW/EE Research Computing #1069] ISE Alliance installation
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I don\'t seem to have the media. Do you have it?

Justin Clayton
VLSI Research System Administrator
University of Washington
Electrical Engineering Dept
justincl at u.washington.edu
206/543.2523  EE/CSE 307E',
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-------------- next part --------------
no warnings qw/redefine/; 
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From: "Andrei B Khlopotine" <andreik at ee.washington.edu>
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Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 09:43:43 -0800
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                                                   'Content' => 'the servers are slow . i ned them working . have a deadline. can we do somtihng about this?

Thank you,

Andrei B Khlopotine
VLSI/CAD Lab Research Assistant
Electrical Engineering Department
University of Washington
ph: +1 (206) 685-8678
                                                   'ContentType' => 'text/plain',
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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>the servers are slow . i ned them working . have a 
deadline. can we do somtihng about this?</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Thank you,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Andrei B Khlopotine<BR>VLSI/CAD Lab Research 
Assistant<BR>Electrical Engineering Department<BR>University of 
Washington<BR>ph: +1 (206) 685-8678</FONT></FONT></DIV></DIV></BODY></HTML>
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                                                   'Content' => 'I\'m looking into it now. They seem to be only slow on login, so please be
patient while we\'re trying to pin down the problem.


On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, andreik at ee.washington.edu via RT wrote:

> the servers are slow . i ned them working . have a deadline. can we do somtihng about this?
> Thank you,
> Andrei B Khlopotine
> VLSI/CAD Lab Research Assistant
> Electrical Engineering Department
> University of Washington
> ph: +1 (206) 685-8678

Justin Clayton
VLSI Research System Administrator
University of Washington
Electrical Engineering Dept
justincl at u.washington.edu
206/543.2523  EE/CSE 307E

                                                   'ContentType' => 'text/plain',
                                                   'Subject' => 'Re: [UW/EE Research Computing #1078]',
                                                   'TransactionId' => '6286',
                                                   'Created' => '2003-03-19 18:03:15',
                                                   'Headers' => 'Received: from mxout4.cac.washington.edu (mxout4.cac.washington.edu [])
	by brak.ee.washington.edu (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id h2JI34E26326
	for <vlsi-rt at brak.ee.washington.edu>; Wed, 19 Mar 2003 10:03:04 -0800
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Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 10:03:03 -0800 (PST)
From: "justin m. clayton" <justincl at u.washington.edu>
To: "andreik at ee.washington.edu via RT" <vlsi-rt at brak.ee.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [UW/EE Research Computing #1078]
In-Reply-To: <rt-1078-6284.16.5659521383676 at UW/EE Research Computing>
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                               'Created' => '2003-03-19 18:11:33'
          'Priority' => '50',
          'Starts' => '1970-01-01 00:00:00'

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