[rt-devel] Slow queries, part 2, custom fields

Iain Price iain.price at post.serco.com
Thu Oct 2 06:28:51 EDT 2003

Jesse Vincent wrote:

>>humans than the previous multi-requestor-email one...
>>Notably all this is only a big issue because RT locks the database 
>>during the query, hence preventing all other activity by other users RT 
>Can you verify that you're using mysql 4.0.x with InnoDB tables for all
>of RT's tables?
Its a 'custom' compiled 4.0.13 with query logging enabled.

Table types, hmm gosh i'll have to work out how to do that - the db was 
built by the install script for rt 3.0.2
Dunno if this is right, but a mysqldump rt3 dumps create statements 
ending in Type=MyISAM... i dont really know anything about table types 
in mysql tho, i'd not even considered this :)  should i be changing 
something? :) (how? lol)


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