[rt-devel] Help -- weird problems with RT data migration

Victor Danilchenko danilche at cs.umass.edu
Mon Oct 6 12:09:50 EDT 2003

On Mon, 6 Oct 2003, Jesse Vincent wrote:

>On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 11:52:04AM -0400, Victor Danilchenko wrote:
>> 	heya,
>> 	I have a problem which the users list is unlikely to be able to
>> help with.
>Wrong. It's been discussed on the users list repeatedly. And a solution
>has even been posted. You need to upgrade Storable to the latest version
>from CPAN.

	While I am highly embarrassed about not having searched for the
answer properly, I am also highly happy with the fact that a potential
show-stopper turned out to have such a simple solution. Thank you very
much -- and sorry -- in the same breath.

	As an aside, have there been thoughts of creating a generalized
infrastructure to permit automatically tagging new tickets with custom
fields' values? We have had such a need (to tag an incoming ticket with
a 'research group' field of its requestor), and I have solved it by
writing a combination of a simple query in the ticket creation code (so
I had to customize the source, alas), and a pre-processing filter that
gets called from .procmailrc.
	I was wondering if there were thoughts of making a
general-purpose solution for this sort of problem; and if there were, I
would be happy to contribute whatever I have done towards that cause.

|  Victor  Danilchenko  | Students nowadays, complaining they only get |
| danilche at cs.umass.edu | 10MBs of disk space! In my day we were lucky |
|   CSCF   |   5-4231   | if we had one file, and that was /dev/null.  |

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