[rt-devel] notification with template in email.pm

Senoner Samuel Samuel.Senoner at eurac.edu
Tue Oct 7 09:39:31 EDT 2003

I want to reject a mail and response with the template
but I get only the message with the original request back,
here the modified part of /RT/Interfaces/Email.pm
# If the plugins refused to create one, they lose.
     unless ($AuthStat == -1) {
         # Notify the RT Admin of the failure.
         # XXX Should this be configurable?
         #load the autoreject template and add this to the error
         require RT::Template;
         my $template = RT::Template->new($RT::SystemUser);
         return ( 0, $RT::Logger->debug('Template not found') ) unless
         $RT::Logger->debug("message " . $Message . "template
".$template->Id . " content " . $template->Content);
         my $explain =  $template->Content;

             To          => $RT::OwnerEmail,
             Subject     => "Could not load a valid user",
             Explanation => <<EOT,
RT could not load a valid user, and RT's configuration does not allow
for the creation of a new user for this email ($ErrorsTo).
You might need to grant 'Everyone' the right 'CreateTicket' for the
queue $args{'queue'}.
              MIMEObj  => $Message,
              LogLevel => 'error' );
          # Also notify the requestor that his request has been dropped.
              To          => $ErrorsTo,
              Subject     => "Could not load a valid user",
              Explanation => $explain,        #<<EOT,
#RT could not load a valid user, and RT's configuration does not allow
#for the creation of a new user for your email.
               MIMEObj  => $Message,
               LogLevel => 'error' );
        return ( 0, "Could not load a valid user", undef );

Can someone help me?
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