[Rt-devel] Error using the web interface
Saverio Palmieri
saverio.palmieri at dglnet.com.br
Mon Aug 30 07:30:11 EDT 2004
Hi Everyone,
I'm getting a strange behaviour with RT 3.2.1 and Im not been
able to track down the exactly cause of that. When replying to
a ticket or creating it from the web interface the error:
"No ticket specified" pops out.
If I use the quick create from the homepage it works, but I still
cant update it later using the Web interface, throught email
everything works great.
Im running Debian (sarge/testing), installed RT from the tar version
and the package, both have the same behaviour.
Doing some trace on mysql I can found that the last query to the
update request is a select on the sessions table. I was expecting
this to be a library version problem, did a small change on the
rt_test_dependencies to show the actual installed version inside
"()" as you can see following:
rt group (www-data)...found
bin owner (root)...found
libs owner (root)...found
libs group (bin)...found
web owner (www-data)...found
web group (www-data)...found
MASON dependencies:
Params::Validate 0.02 (0.74)...found
Cache::Cache (1.02)...found
Exception::Class 1.14 (1.19)...found
HTML::Mason 1.23 (1.26)...found
MLDBM (2.01)...found
Errno (1.09)...found
FreezeThaw (0.43)...found
Digest::MD5 2.27 (2.33)...found
CGI::Cookie 1.20 (1.24)...found
Storable 2.08 (2.12)...found
Apache::Session 1.53 (1.6)...found
XML::RSS (1.04)...found
MAILGATE dependencies:
HTML::TreeBuilder (3.13)...found
HTML::FormatText (2.01)...found
Getopt::Long (2.34)...found
LWP::UserAgent (2.032)...found
CLI dependencies:
Getopt::Long 2.24 (2.34)...found
CORE dependencies:
Digest::base (1.00)...found
Digest::MD5 2.27 (2.33)...found
DBI 1.37 (1.43)...found
Test::Inline (0.16)...found
Class::ReturnValue 0.40 (0.52)...found
DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.01 (1.01)...found
Text::Template (1.44)...found
File::Spec 0.8 (0.87)...found
HTML::Entities (1.27)...found
HTML::Scrubber 0.08 (0.08)...found
Net::Domain (2.19)...found
Log::Dispatch 2.0 (2.10)...found
Locale::Maketext 1.06 (1.08)...found
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon 0.32 (0.38)...found
Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy (0.02)...found
MIME::Entity 5.108 (5.404 )...found
Mail::Mailer 1.57 (1.62)...found
Net::SMTP (2.29)...found
Text::Wrapper (1.000)...found
Time::ParseDate (2003.1126)...found
File::Temp (0.14)...found
Term::ReadKey (2.21)...found
Text::Autoformat (1.12)...found
Text::Quoted 1.3 (1.8)...found
Tree::Simple 1.04 (1.07)...found
Scalar::Util (1.13)...found
Module::Versions::Report (1.02)...found
DEV dependencies:
Regexp::Common (2.117)...found
Time::HiRes (1.59)...found
Test::Inline (0.16)...found
HTML::Form (1.044)...found
HTML::TokeParser (2.28)...found
WWW::Mechanize (1.02)...found
MYSQL dependencies:
DBD::mysql 2.1018 (2.9003)...found
Have anyone experienced this before? What Im doing wrong?
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
Saverio Palmieri Neto
DGL Brasil
Phone: +55 (19) 3794-7407
Mobile: +55 (19) 8111-2667
Fax: +55 (19) 3794-7414
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