[Rt-devel] [TESTS][BUG] Wrote some API tests

Ruslan U. Zakirov Ruslan.Zakirov at acronis.com
Fri Dec 10 03:10:49 EST 2004

Jesse Vincent wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 04:13:25PM +0300, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
>>	Hello.
>>Against 3.3.HEAD
>>Adds 178 tests
>>26 tests fails
> More than that fail when it's run as part of the test suite, since it
> includes some assumptions about the starting database. I'm working on
> patching that first.
I argue. It does include one assumption about DB: DB should be just 
after 'make initdb'. Jesse, I think if you want >90% test coverage then 
test suit would be very big and it would be problem if one test file 
would be rely on data inserted by other files. IMHO we should reinit DB 
before each file. Yes, it would be slower, but allow to run this or that 
  test file only.

>>It's the same bug that I can add two different CF values for one ticket 
>>even if ticket has type SelectSingle.
>>				Best regards. Ruslan.
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>>Rt-devel at lists.bestpractical.com

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