[Rt-devel] RT 3.4.0 rc1 Database Schema

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Dec 28 00:19:40 EST 2004

> As I looked into it, the database I am running does not have either of
> those indexes on my TicketCustomFieldValues tables (original name of
> ObjectCustomFieldValues), and so attempting to drop these gives an
> error, which stops rt-setup-database, which doesn't allow
> ObjectCustomFields to get created.....
> Are these indexes (or indices if you like) standard and just missing on
> my schema, or will it be a more wide-spread issue that should be
> addressed in the schema (check if index exists before dropping)?

I think the latter is a distinct possibility. I' currently triaging some
knotty oracle issues, but will attempt to remedy this for the next RC.
I'm tentatively aiming to have the final release out this year. But that
depends a lot on how much snow I need to shovel this week. ;)

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.


> Joel Johnson
> Information School
> University of Washington
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