[rt-devel] closed imported Tickets are auto-opened from RT

Senoner Samuel Samuel.Senoner at eurac.edu
Thu Feb 26 03:28:15 EST 2004

Just deactivate the on correspond open ticket global script, which is standard.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tina Schade [mailto:Tina.Schade at gmx.de] 
Sent: Thursday,26 February,2004 08:46
To: rt-devel at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: [rt-devel] closed imported Tickets are auto-opened from RT


I becoming desperate...I imported Tickets by script and I create Transactions for the followups of the seperate tickets. Now I have the problem, that tickets which were closed a long time ago, now auto-opened from RT, because by closing the tickets some text was written down or after closing the system wrote an mail.
I search for where RT check the status of the ticket, when I create a new transaction, but I can´t find it. I want to cut off this funktion from RT while I´am importing the old tickets and creating the seperate transaction, so that the tickets be closed. How can I do this??

It´s really important for me, because we need the old data in the right way and want to use RT in few time!

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