[rt-devel] performance problems

Andrew Stribblehill a.d.stribblehill at durham.ac.uk
Mon Jan 19 04:22:52 EST 2004

Quoting Palle Girgensohn <girgen at pingpong.net> (2004-01-18 04:06:32 GMT):
> --On torsdag, januari 15, 2004 17.30.44 +0000 Andrew Stribblehill 
> <a.d.stribblehill at durham.ac.uk> wrote:
> >Quoting Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com> (2004-01-15 14:54:53 GMT):
> >>
> >>On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 03:27:46AM +0100, Palle Girgensohn wrote:
> >>> Hi!
> >>>
> >>> I have a pretty old piece of hardware: Dual Pentium III @ 450 MHz. 786
> >>> MB  RAM, but I've never had real performance problems with it before,
> >>> not until  RT came along.
> >>
> >>Nowhere do you say what version of RT and DBIx::SearchBuilder you're
> >>running. It's quite important that you be up to date with both and that
> >>you follow the upgrade instructions for adding new indices. If you're
> >>running the current searchbuilder and you're seeing the exact same SQL
> >>query that many times, it sounds like there's something wrong. It would
> >>be useful to know what page is causing the repeated queries.
> >
> >I had this problem too with 3.0.8 and SBr 0.96. It took me 5 minutes
> >to view a ticket and seemed reproducible. The database was on a
> >different host and is running Postgres 7.2.1.
> >
> >I tried it out with a colleague's MySQL database -- he gave me r/o
> >access to his RT data -- and it flew.
> >
> >Then I went back to my Postgres to chase up the bug, and the problem
> >mysteriously vanished.
> >
> >Sorry this report isn't very useful.
> Yeah, most reports are about bad postgresql performance, but if there is a 
> problem with postgresql & RT, it is in the perl code the problem lies. 
> Checking logs and monitoring the system, it is pretty obviuos that 
> postgresql does it's thing faily quickly while perl eats CPU clock cycles 
> like godzilla. :)

<nod> My database is served from a different host so it was really
easy for me to spot the difference :)

> And yes, quite frankly, your report isn't very useful. ;-)  Still, 
> interesting to hear that the problem just disappeared? Did you modify your 
> data in anyway.

Not at all. I certainly didn't change the schema at all, but all I
was doing was viewing a ticket. A rather long ticket, admittedly, but
nothing that should cause 1366 of the following queries:

	SELECT * FROM Principals WHERE PrincipalType ILIKE  'User' AND
	ObjectId =  '24'


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