[rt-devel] rt cli question, patch for default query and order

Angus D Madden ii at took.ekilat.com
Wed Jan 21 08:15:27 EST 2004

Apologies for the cross-post, but I wasn't getting any responses on rt-users.

To simplify my question:

Do the comment, link, and merge functions work in the 3.0.8 version or
the rt cli tool (bin/rt)?  I have seen comments that the tool is under
development and want to be sure that they work as released before I dig
into the problem further.

Thanks in advance.


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An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: Angus D Madden <ii at took.ekilat.com>
Subject: [rt-users] rt cli comment, merge, link not working,
	patch for default query and order
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 12:03:49 -0500
Size: 6393
Url: http://pallas.eruditorum.org/pipermail/rt-devel/attachments/20040121/bb97f4b3/attachment.mht

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