[Rt-devel] migration from 2.0.15 to 3.2.0 nearly flawless

Vivek Khera vivek at khera.org
Tue Jul 6 10:43:24 EDT 2004

I just spent a few hours updating RT from 2.0.15 to 3.2.0 (not counting 
the ticket migration time, which was considerable...)

There was exactly one major show stopper, described below.  The only 
other issue was that many of my per-queue scrips are already default 
global scrips, so I had to manually delete them from each of the 
queues, and the two global scrips migrated were also already existing 
and needed to be deleted.  Actually, one more issue: I had to 
explicitly add DeleteTicket right to my service reps whereas that was 
not necessary before.

The show stopper:

None of the sequences in Postgres was initialized after the dumpfile 
was imported.  The most immediately visible result is that no 
correspondence can be recorded since attachments keep hitting duplicate 
id's.  The fix is to run a command like this for every single sequence:

select setval('users_id_seq',max(id)) from users;

the sequences are:

                       List of relations
  Schema |             Name             |   Type   |  Owner
  public | acl_id_seq                   | sequence | postgres
  public | attachments_id_seq           | sequence | postgres
  public | attributes_id_seq            | sequence | postgres
  public | cachedgroupmembers_id_seq    | sequence | postgres
  public | customfields_id_seq          | sequence | postgres
  public | customfieldvalues_id_seq     | sequence | postgres
  public | groupmembers_id_seq          | sequence | postgres
  public | groups_id_seq                | sequence | postgres
  public | links_id_seq                 | sequence | postgres
  public | principals_id_seq            | sequence | postgres
  public | queues_id_seq                | sequence | postgres
  public | scripactions_id_seq          | sequence | postgres
  public | scripconditions_id_seq       | sequence | postgres
  public | scrips_id_seq                | sequence | postgres
  public | templates_id_seq             | sequence | postgres
  public | ticketcustomfieldvalues_id_s | sequence | postgres
  public | tickets_id_seq               | sequence | postgres
  public | transactions_id_seq          | sequence | postgres
  public | users_id_seq                 | sequence | postgres

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