[Rt-devel] RFE for RT?

John Green j.green at ukerna.ac.uk
Fri Jul 9 08:40:19 EDT 2004

Richard Ellis wrote:
> Hi,
> How easy or impossible would it be to be able to exclude weekends from
> days being counted in due date calculation.
> This has been put forward by our Business Unit who want to be able to
> keep inputting their two days for due date, but to be able to ignore Sat
> and Sun from the calculation.
> E.g. a ticket submitted at 12 on Friday would be due at 12 on Sunday,
> but Saturday and Sunday are not working days, so they would prefer its
> due date to be 12 on Tuesday.


We kind of have this functionality in RTIR.  It uses the CPAN 
Business::Hours module written for this very purpose.

No doubt trivial to backport.


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