[rt-devel] Proposed change to RT::Action::CreateTickets::Commit

Todd Chapman rt at chaka.net
Wed Mar 17 16:43:28 EST 2004

We are looking into creating approvals using scrips.
The problem is that we notify Administrators that
there is work to be done when a ticket reaches status 'new'.

To us, status 'open' means the ticket is being worked on.

So we have an OnResolve that that changes the work ticket
(a DependedOnBy) from stalled to new.

The problem with doing this with templates is that
RT::Action::CreateTickets::Commit sets the status
to 'new' and then changes it to the requested status
after the ticket is created. This is done to avoid
violating dependencies. Thus the admin would
be notified that there is work to do but it can't
be done yet becuase it hasn't been approved.

Two possible fixes:

1. When ticket is created don't record the transaction. 
   Probably not a good idea.

2. Better idea is to allow setting of status when
   ticket is created if the status is some list
   of values, stalled being the one I would like.

Jesse, would you accept a patch for this behavior?


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