[rt-devel] Re: Weird configuration problem with RT_SiteConfig.pm

Hans-Martin Mosner hmm at heeg.de
Sat Mar 20 17:03:08 EST 2004

seph wrote:

>>don't know whether this is off-topic for this mailing list...
>this is a question for rt-users, not rt-devel.
That's what I feared... thanks a lot for helping anyway!

>>I've got a RT 3.0.3 installation (due to mod_perl trouble only running
>>since this earlier week), and RT does not seem to adopt some
>>configuration options in RT_SiteConfig.pm, such as $WebBaseURL etc.
>are you stopping and starting apache? apache needs a full stop and
>start, not a restart to pick up changes. This is well documented.
I did stop and start apache, after upgrading to RT 3.0.9 btw...
And you're right, it works now, and I should have read the docs more 
closely :-)
Now I do have another problem with the mail gateway, but I'll try 
rt-users first for that one...


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