[rt-devel] Trying to navigate from CustomField to CustomFieldValue

Marc Boix mboix at cesca.es
Tue Mar 23 06:21:55 EST 2004

Hi people,

I'm developping statistics tables for my RT(IR) and I need the names of
CustomFieldValues from a CustomerField.
I've yet the CustomFieldValue ($cf->LoadByNameAndQueue(Name => N, Queue =>
After, I try $listCFValues = $cf->Values() to take a CustomFieldValues, and
here I'm blocked. I can't acces each CustomFieldValue from de list
Normally is $listvalues->First or ->Next but perl say there is nothing (I
ask the object for its Name(), so $listvalues->First->Name()).

Does somebody know a solution? or the reason of my error?

Thanks a lot!

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