[Rt-devel] [PATCH] Perfomance improvement of Tickets->_parser call.

Ruslan U. Zakirov cubic at acronis.ru
Wed May 12 12:20:58 EDT 2004

What is patch for:
1) Get rid from copy of incoming args in _match.
2) Decrease _match() calss.
	1) $curent = XXX if(_match) sequence changed to if(_match) {$current = 
XXX} elsif(_match) sequence in reverse order. So one _match on loop step.

	2) implement $want check before _match, bin logic op surely faster then 
(sub call+regexp). This also descrease _match calls.

3) base reqexps refactoring. [><=] better then (?:>|<|=).
4) another small things.

Profiling with attached script:
1) without patch
  -d:DProf bug_report3.pl && dprofpp -G "(::BEGIN)" 2>/dev/null
Option G Grouping: [(::BEGIN)]
Grouping [(::BEGIN)] Calls: [796]
Grouping [(::BEGIN)] Times: [66.5214000000006]
Grouping [(::BEGIN)] IncTimes: [421.515600000001]
Total Elapsed Time = 10.18922 Seconds
   User+System Time = 9.539225 Seconds
Exclusive Times
%Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
  34.7   3.315  3.315  62250   0.0001 0.0001  RT::Tickets::_match
  9.41   0.898  6.717    656   0.0014 0.0102  RT::Tickets::_parser
  6.97   0.665  4.215    796   0.0008 0.0053  (::BEGIN)
  4.49   0.428  0.477   5244   0.0001 0.0001 
  4.08   0.389  0.608   5244   0.0001 0.0001  Regexp::Common::_decache
  4.06   0.387  1.011   5244   0.0001 0.0002  DBIx::SearchBuilder::Limit
  2.33   0.222  0.315      3   0.0742 0.1051 
  2.20   0.210  0.210   5244   0.0000 0.0000 
  1.99   0.190  0.190   5244   0.0000 0.0000 
  1.80   0.172  1.039   4589   0.0000 0.0002  RT::SearchBuilder::Limit
  1.68   0.160  0.468    655   0.0002 0.0007  DBIx::SearchBuilder::_DoCount
  1.36   0.130  0.154   2621   0.0000 0.0001  RT::Tickets::Limit
  1.35   0.129  0.368   5244   0.0000 0.0001 
  1.27   0.121  0.278   5241   0.0000 0.0001  RT::CurrentUser::loc
  1.24   0.118  0.187  10488   0.0000 0.0000  Regexp::Common::new

2) With patch
sudo perl -d:DProf bug_report3.pl && dprofpp -G "(::BEGIN)" 2>/dev/null
Option G Grouping: [(::BEGIN)]
Grouping [(::BEGIN)] Calls: [797]
Grouping [(::BEGIN)] Times: [69.4010000000002]
Grouping [(::BEGIN)] IncTimes: [437.141750000001]
Total Elapsed Time = 6.195472 Seconds
   User+System Time = 5.705472 Seconds
Exclusive Times
%Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
  12.8   0.734  0.734  18347   0.0000 0.0000  RT::Tickets::_match
  12.1   0.694  4.371    797   0.0009 0.0055  (::BEGIN)
  7.97   0.455  2.402    656   0.0007 0.0037  RT::Tickets::_parser
  6.45   0.368  0.961   5244   0.0001 0.0002  DBIx::SearchBuilder::Limit
  5.92   0.338  0.428   5244   0.0001 0.0001 
  3.70   0.211  0.304      3   0.0702 0.1014 
  2.93   0.167  0.999   4589   0.0000 0.0002  RT::SearchBuilder::Limit
  2.42   0.138  0.138    657   0.0002 0.0002  RT::User::_ClassAccessible
  2.23   0.127  0.160   2621   0.0000 0.0001  RT::Tickets::Limit
  2.02   0.115  0.503    655   0.0002 0.0008  DBIx::SearchBuilder::_DoCount
  1.96   0.112  0.210    655   0.0002 0.0003  RT::Principal::HasRight
  1.89   0.108  0.108    656   0.0002 0.0002 
  1.58   0.090  0.090   7889   0.0000 0.0000 
  1.56   0.089  0.166   3291   0.0000 0.0001 
  1.56   0.089  0.571    655   0.0001 0.0009  RT::Tickets::_LinkLimit

-------------- next part --------------
use lib "/opt/rt3/lib";

use RT;

use RT::CurrentUser;
my $user = RT::CurrentUser->new( );

use RT::Tickets;

my $ts = RT::Tickets->new( $user );
$ts->LimitOwner( VALUE => $user->id );

while( my $t = $ts->Next ) {
	my $i = $t->HasUnresolvedDependencies;
-------------- next part --------------
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