[Rt-devel] RT design question

Todd Chapman rt at chaka.net
Mon Nov 22 12:18:03 EST 2004

I guess my understanding of normalization isn't so hot. If
there are 4 ticket role groups for every ticket, why would
storing them in the Tickets table be bad? Those groups are
unique to that ticket...

On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 12:14:00PM -0500, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> > I mean for each ticket there are 4 groups, Owner, Requestor,
> > Cc, AdminCc. Why not store them in the Tickets table?
> Why store them in the tickets table, when you have SQL to join them. 
> This isn't a case where breaking the data normalization rules will win
> you anything.
> > The only reason I can think of is that the recursive process
> > of figuring out all members of a group is maybe easier if
> > the top-level group is also in the Groups table.
> > 
> -- 

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