[Rt-devel] Bugs in RT 3.4.2 - Query Builder

Rodolfo de Moraes Reis rmreis at cpqd.com.br
Thu Aug 25 10:19:40 EDT 2005

Hello All,

I've been working with RT 3.4.2 since it was released, and in this period, I identified 2 critical bugs in Query Builder Page.

1- Error "Can't locate object method "removeChild" via package "root""

I.e.: I add 2 criteria. After I set 2 others criteria to be added and in the same time I select that 2 (that were added) to be removed and then, when I click in delete button appear this error:

Can't locate object method "removeChild" via package "root" (perhaps you forgot to load "root"?) at /l/disk1/ccdsin/rt3.4.1/share/html/Search/Build.html line 432.
context: 	 ... 	 	
428: 	 }	 
429: 	 }	 
430: 	 elsif ( $ARGS{"DeleteClause"} ) {	 
431: 	 if (@current_values) {	 
432: 	 $_->getParent()->removeChild($_) for @current_values;	 
433: 	 }	 
434: 	 else {	 
435: 	 push( @actions, [ loc("error: nothing to delete"), -1 ] );	 
436: 	 }	

These steps above are just to ilustrate when this error happens, but I already had the same error in other situations.

2- Change operator AND to OR (or vice versa)

In a query, I've this scenario:
  DependedOnBy = '1128'
  OR id = 755
  OR Status != 'stalled'
So, if I try to change the second OR operator (in "OR Status != 'stalled'") to AND, this operation is applied also to the first OR operator (in "OR id = 755") and both are changed to AND. I can bypass this bug (putting some parenthesis using advantage page), although it's "too hard" for end users (you know that ! :))

Someone already had these errors?! Is there a way to fix?! Does the 3.4.3 version solve these problems?!

Thanks in advance!!


Rodolfo de Moraes Reis
Diretoria de Soluções de
Inteligência de Negócios
CPqD Telecom & IT Solutions
Tel.: +55 19 3705-5986 
Fax: +55 19 3705-6786
rmreis at cpqd.com.br

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