[Rt-devel] Setting content-transfer-encoding to 7bit

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Feb 22 17:06:01 EST 2005

> It looks like RT 3.2.2 had not specified the content-transfer-encoding, 
> but 3.4.1 now specified it as 8bit.  This other commercial ticket 
> tracking system needed messages to be encoded as 7bit, for some reason.

That sounds like one of us is violating the RFC. Care to have a look at
whether it's us or them?

> I manually made this change:
> /rt3/lib/RT/I18N.pm
> $head->mime_attr( "content-type" => 'text/plain' )
>           unless ( $head->mime_attr("content-type") );
>         $head->mime_attr( "content-type.charset" => $enc );
> +     $head->mime_attr( "content-transfer-encoding" => "7bit" );
>         $entity->bodyhandle($new_body);
> And it worked fine: outgoing mail is now encoded as 7bit, and the 
> commercial system reads our mail.
> I am not sure if this was a local problem, or something that other users 
> will run into.  Is it possible to assign content-transfer-encoding to a 
> variable that can be set in the RT_SiteConfig?  I am a terrible mail 
> encoding, perl, and everything else newbie so I may have missed some 
> easier way to do this. :-)
> Phil
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