[Rt-devel] RT-RTFM Integration

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Jan 11 20:53:08 EST 2005

> returned (with the same "RTFM-Include-Article-<%ID%>" for each). Being
> relatively (9 months) new to RTFM, I'm wondering if there is a reason
> for this behaviour, or if it would be better to cache the searches into
> a data structure, then remove duplicates, and dump the HTML lines from
> the data structure. How would this scale with a large number of FAQs?

Nope. Patches would be appreciated.

> The other issue that has always bothered me is the setup of the Tabs
> between RT and RTFM. In RT, RTFM shows up as any other tab, so why does
> RTFM relegate RT to a single tab, isolating itself? I think it would
> offer a more unified approach to the users if the RTFM tab opened a
> submenu, ala Tickets, maintaining the rest of the navigational
> structure. I have only quickly glanced at the code on this one, 
> however... has this idea already been hashed over? Rationale for the 
> current organization?

No specific reason. I'd love to see an experimental patch for this to
see how it would work.

> On another note, how much active RTFM development is taking place? Is
> there a subversion repository?

It's in the same svn repository as RT. Things have been a bit quiet of
late. There's a 2.1 development branch that wants to become 2.2 soon.
We've also got an upcoming customer project to do some more interesting
new RTFM work.


> Thanks,
> Joel
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