[Rt-devel] PATCH: silence warnings Ticket/Elements/EditCustomFieldSelect

Jim Meyer purp at acm.org
Wed Nov 16 19:51:15 EST 2005

[Once more, with right filename and patch attached ... please ignore previous]


While there's a bit of a refactor involved toward the end, this diff is
largely just a rework of the indents to be consistent (which makes it
easier to refactor =). I pulled a bunch of "... && ... && ... &&" stuff
out of a <%%> element around the 'SELECTED' line and collapsed the logic
a bit.

I desperately wanted to refactor to eliminate the "if (1)" bit, but I
don't have time to get clear on how the semi-global @levels is being
used. Maybe later.


Jim Meyer, Geek at Large                                    purp at acm.org
-------------- next part --------------
--- share/html/Elements/EditCustomFieldSelect	2005-08-18 19:39:27.000000000 -0700
+++ local/html/Elements/EditCustomFieldSelect	2005-11-16 16:22:15.000000000 -0800
@@ -84,34 +84,36 @@
 % my $selected;
 % my $CFVs = $CustomField->Values;
 % my @levels;
 % while ($CFVs and my $value = $CFVs->Next ) {
-%       my $category = $value->Category;
-%       if (1) { # length $category) {
-%           my $level = (split(/:/, $category))[0];
-%           while (@levels) {
-%               if ($levels[-1] eq $level) {
-%                   undef $level;
-%                   last;
-%               } elsif (index($level, $levels[-1]) != 0) {
+%     my $category = $value->Category;
+%     if (1) { # length $category) {
+%         my $level = (split(/:/, $category || ''))[0];
+%         while (@levels) {
+%             if ($levels[-1] eq $level) {
+%                 undef $level;
+%                 last;
+%             } elsif (index($level, $levels[-1]) != 0) {
-%                   pop @levels;
-%               } else {
-%                   last;
-%               }
-%           }
-%           if (length $level) {
-%               push @$CategoryRef, [0+ at levels, $level];
+%                 pop @levels;
+%             } else {
+%                 last;
+%             }
+%         }
+%         if ($level) {
+%             push @$CategoryRef, [0+ at levels, $level];
         <optgroup style="padding-left: <% @levels/2 %>em" label="<%$category%>">
-%               push @levels, $level;
-%           }
-%       }
+%             push @levels, $level;
+%         }
+%     }
         <option value="<%$value->Name%>" 
-% if ($Values) {
-            <% $Values->HasEntry($value->Name) && ($$SelectedRef = 1) && 'SELECTED' %>
-% } elsif ($Default) {
-            <% ($Default eq $value->Name) && ($$SelectedRef = 1) && 'SELECTED' %>
-% }
+%     if ($value->Name && $SelectedRef && ref($SelectedRef) && 
+%         $$SelectedRef == 1) {
+%         if (($Values && $Values->HasEntry($value->Name)) || 
+%             ($Default && ($Default eq $value->Name))) {
+        'SELECTED'
+%         }
+%     }
             ><% $value->Name%></option>
 % }
 % for (@levels) {

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