[Rt-devel] calling another perl script once ticket is saved/updated

Stephen Turner sturner at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 7 13:52:52 EDT 2005

At Friday 10/7/2005 01:24 PM, Vipin Hegde wrote:
>Here's the problem:
>    I've been asked to modify RT so that every time a ticket is created / 
> modified, I need to take that ticket content and save it in another CRM 
> system that my company uses as well; I've already finished writing a 
> separate script which expects a ticket_id to be passed to it and this 
> script does the rest of the work; all that's left for me to do is to 
> insert a call to that script into the RT's source code wherever tickets 
> are saved into the mysql database. I've been trying to find out which 
> source code file is responsible for inserting the data into the 
> associated mysql database, but, for the life of me, i cant seem to figure 
> this out.... help ! : )

You can't make a direct call to a perl script from RT (as far as I know). 
Here are a couple of ideas for doing what you want.

- Create a custom action containing the code you've written and create 
scrips to invoke the action whenever a ticket is created or modified. You 
may also need a custom scrip condition to detect the ticket-modified event.

- Use RT scrips to send email to your perl script whenever a ticket is 
created or modified. Again, you may also need a custom scrip condition to 
detect the ticket-modified event.

The wiki is a great resource for learning about scrips, actions, conditions 
and all things RT.


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