[Rt-devel] wrong time inserted into sessions table on Pg 8.1.3

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Sun Feb 26 11:00:21 EST 2006

On Sun, Feb 26, 2006 at 01:54:33AM -0800, k b wrote:
> Hi.
> I am testing out RT 3.6.0pre0, but i have the same
> problem om 3.5.7.
> i am using RT with Postgresgql 8.1.3 that does not run
> on the same machine as apache. 
> when i log in (only tested with root) i get logged in,
> then as soon as i click a link, the login screen is
> presented to me, if i log in again, the same thing
> happens again.

That's probably due to accessing the machine with a URL your browser
won't save a cookie for.

> so, i had a look in the sessions table in the database
> and found out that:
> a. the time in the column lastupdated is exactly one
> hour less then the real time.

It's GMT.

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