[Rt-devel] Convert Bugzilla to RT

lwang lwang at clusterfs.com
Mon Jan 23 01:42:39 EST 2006


Cluster File Systems, Inc is switching from Bugzilla to RT, and attached
is a .tgz archive containing a tool to convert a Bugzilla installation
to RT.  In the archive is also a README file with instructions how to
use the tool.

Note that the tool introduces some custom fields in RT to convert the
content of standard Bugzilla fields.  The tools writes database records
directly and retains the timestamps on historical events stored with
transactions into (transactions) associated with requests.  Another
small change we made to RT is to introduce an alias field to refer to
requests with a short unique string instead of request numbers -
Bugzilla has this also.

We will be working on some further small changes for RT to incorporate
features, but generally we like RT because of the customizations that
are possible within its extensibility model.

Let us know about your experiences with this tool!

Wang Lin Jun
Li Zhi
Yu Su Yuan
Gina Lee
Peter J Braam
Cluster File Systems, Inc.
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Name: bugzilla-rt-convert.tar.gz
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Url : http://lists.bestpractical.com/pipermail/rt-devel/attachments/20060123/42fc1a7f/bugzilla-rt-convert.tar-0001.bin

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