[Rt-devel] Using CVS to manage RT customizations

Joby Walker joby at u.washington.edu
Fri Sep 29 19:52:02 EDT 2006

SCManage is a PHP application that I wrote a few years ago.  It is 
pretty crude -- since I was the target audience so I didn't care about 
beauty.  Each project in SCManage is defined by an ini file that 
indicates the SVN repository path and where to store the working copy on 
the local filesystem (an some other bits).  From the interface you can 
select a tag/branch that you want to use switch/update/revert the local 
working copy.  The original architecture (that I preferred) had the web 
servers check to see if there was an update and if so rsync to perform 
the update.  But because of some conditions that are not of import here, 
I had to add the ability to push from SCManage to the web servers. 
Currently I just have the web app call a script which performs the rsync 
to the proper locations -- you can also do a dry run to see what will be 

I'm certain that some elements would need to be re-written for anyone 
else to use.  The first major bit is that we use a different structure 
for our SVN repos.  Instead of the standard BTT (branch/ tag/ trunk/) 
directories we have dev/, prod/, and <username>/.  Each directory has 
branches and tags (trunks and releases in our parlance): dev for dev 
stuff; prod for production stuff; and <username> for that user's code.

Joby Walker
C&C SSG, University of Washington

Jones, Marc T wrote:
> What is SCManage exactly? I am in the early stages of creating a
> management tool to allow our web application developers push changes to
> production server with out contacting me. I would like to integrate with
> SVN and also use it for managing my development working, including RT
> Modifications.
> Marc Jones
> Systems Administrator
> Student Affairs Information Technology
> McMahon Commons, Main Floor
> 2011 Hillside Road, U-1228
> Storrs, CT 06269-1228
> Phone: (860) 486-4559, Fax (860) 486-6818
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