[Rt-devel] rt3.6 bug and patch: OrderBy cannot bes saved in Prefs/SearchOptions.html under some circumstance

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Apr 24 09:24:30 EDT 2007

Thanks. Applied.

On Apr 10, 2007, at 9:22 AM, Dirk Pape wrote:

> The selected option of the "OrderBy"-selectbox cannot be saved in / 
> rt/Prefs/SearchOptions.html if only one (of possibly 4) sort field  
> is selected and other are set to none.
> patch: <http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/~pape/rt3/patches/rt/ 
> search_prefs_order_cannot_be_saved.patch>
> Dirk.
> -- 
> Dr. Dirk Pape

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