[Rt-devel] Front-End user: create dependant ticket.

Ruslan Zakirov ruslan.zakirov at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 21:01:14 EST 2007

On 2/2/07, Jonathan Scher <js at oxado.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to add a small feature to RT 3.6.3
> When an agent reads a ticket, i'd like him to be able to create a link
> (dependant) ticket with only two clicks.
> Then, when he reads a ticket, he should have a button "create dependant
> ticket" that can open a creation form (for a chosen new queue), with
> some default values extracted from the original one. When the second
> ticket is created, RT should create the dependancy automatically.
> How can I do that in a clean way?
> I wanted to hack Mason's template Ticket/Element/Tabs to add my small
> form, but as I don't know yet anything about Mason, so I'm kind of lost.
> Then, I tought about getting that value on page
> Ticket/Create.html?Queue=X&body=XXX&subject=XXXX&....
> Is this the best solution? Where can I exactly add my HTML lines to have
> my form?
Yep, you're thinking in correct direction.

> Do you this this could be intrestring for you, so I could send you a
> small patch?
There is a way to do that without patches I think. Use callbacks to
add that link to tickets' actions (Take, Open, bla-bla) or
tabs(Display, History, bla-bla). Read the wiki about callbacks.

Your understanding is quite correct you should add a link that points
to /Ticket/Create.html with some default arguments, for example for
"create dependant ticket" you have to pass id of the current ticket,
name of the argument should be "new-DependsOn".

Is it clear?

> Thanks
> Jonathan S.

Best regards, Ruslan.

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