[Rt-devel] Today's other mysterious RT bug

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Jan 22 21:14:13 EST 2007

On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 08:07:59PM -0500, Todd Chapman wrote:
> Today I ran into 2 weird RT bugs.
> The first was my earlier post about a race condition in SetOwner.
> The second was more painful. RT was been deployed for almost 2 weeks
> in our company. 4,400 ticket in 10 days.
> Today we had a sporadic problem where a person would click on
> "Reply" in a ticket, and the "This message will be sent to..."
> area of the ticket would not list any recipients. If you
> reloaded the page sometimes the recipients would be correctly
> displayed and sometimes not.

That sounds like database trouble. How's the DB?

> Many "Correspond" transactions happened today where no mail
> was actually sent when it should have been. I wrote a script
> to find them all and called $TicketObj->Correspond with
> the appropriate content and all the mail went out correctly.
> (This was after I restarted RT.)
> Any insight on this bug or reports of it happening to other
> people would be greatly appreciated.
> -Todd
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