[Rt-devel] Problem with dumpfile-to-rt-3.0

Marianne Spiller spiller at spring.de
Fri Nov 9 09:31:59 EST 2007

Hi there,

I have to migrate a RT2 (webmux version 2.0.1) to an actual revision,
but I'm running into serious problems using dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 (version

The old host: SuSE Linux 6.1, mysql 3.23.40, apache 1.3.20, perl 5.6.1
The new host: Fedora Core 6, mysql 5.0.27, apache 2.2.6, perl 5.8.8

I got a dump from the old rt2 mysql database (via mysqldump) and
transferred it to the new host; then I got a tarball from the old
'/opt/rt2' and transferred it, too.

After I unpacked on the new host, I made a 'perl rt-2.0-to-dumpfile
/opt/RTmigration' whereas my rt2.sql database dump was stored in
'/opt/RTmigration'. It seemed to work fine; these are the contents of
this directory:

-rw-r--r--  1 root     root    244497 Nov  9 09:14 metadata
-rw-r--r--  1 mspiller users 63809998 Nov  8 12:25 rt2.sql
drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     28672 Nov  9 09:15 tickets-0
drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     28672 Nov  9 09:16 tickets-1000
drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     28672 Nov  9 09:18 tickets-2000
drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     28672 Nov  9 09:19 tickets-3000
drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     24576 Nov  9 09:21 tickets-4000
drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     12288 Nov  9 09:21 tickets-5000

Then I installed several versions of RT3 and tried the 'dumpfile'
command, but without any success; the installation process goes well,
but importing data fails (see [1]).

Can you please give me a hint how to get it work?
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

[1] Executing this results in the following output:

$ perl dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 /opt/RTmigration.WEG/
"my" variable $msg masks earlier declaration in same scope at
/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm line 3139.
Name "RT::LogStackTraces" used only once: possible typo at
dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 line 64.
Importing scrips

Importing users
Loading user Unnamed user 1
Creating new user for Unnamed user 1
[Fri Nov  9 13:59:11 2007] [error]: Could not create a new user -
Failed to create user for$VAR1 = {
            'CryptedPassword' => undef,
            'Name' => 'Unnamed user 1'

[... for about 300 users and so on...]

Importing groups
Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 10 - not adding to
Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 7 - not adding to

Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 12 - not adding to

Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 15 - not adding to

Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 276 - not adding to
Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 9 - not adding to

Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 11 - not adding to

Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 276 - not adding to
Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 4 - not adding to

Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 8 - not adding to
Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 4 - not adding to

Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 6 - not adding to

Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 8 - not adding to

Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 11 - not adding to

Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 101 - not adding to

Importing rights

Couldn't load principal  to grant them Watch on queue
$VAR1 = {
           'PrincipalType' => 'User',
           'PrincipalId' => '4',
           'Name' => 'Watch'

Couldn't load principal  to grant them WatchAsAdminCc on queue
$VAR1 = {
           'PrincipalType' => 'User',
           'PrincipalId' => '4',
           'Name' => 'WatchAsAdminCc'

Couldn't create TICKET: Could not create ticket. Queue not set$VAR1 = {
            'Requestor' => [
                           'daniel.haha at blah.de'
            'Owner' => undef,
            'LastUpdatedBy' => undef,
            '_RecordTransaction' => '0',
            'id' => '14981',
            'Queue' => 'IVWBOX',
            'Creator' => undef
[Fri Nov  9 14:00:33 2007] [crit]: Died at dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 line 697.

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