[Rt-devel] Problem with dumpfile-to-rt-3.0

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Thu Nov 15 12:27:34 EST 2007

On Nov 9, 2007, at 9:31 AM, Marianne Spiller wrote:

Hi Marianne

> After I unpacked on the new host, I made a 'perl rt-2.0-to-dumpfile
> /opt/RTmigration' whereas my rt2.sql database dump was stored in
> '/opt/RTmigration'. It seemed to work fine; these are the contents of
> this directory:
> -rw-r--r--  1 root     root    244497 Nov  9 09:14 metadata
> -rw-r--r--  1 mspiller users 63809998 Nov  8 12:25 rt2.sql
> drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     28672 Nov  9 09:15 tickets-0
> drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     28672 Nov  9 09:16 tickets-1000
> drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     28672 Nov  9 09:18 tickets-2000
> drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     28672 Nov  9 09:19 tickets-3000
> drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     24576 Nov  9 09:21 tickets-4000
> drwxr-x--x  2 root     root     12288 Nov  9 09:21 tickets-5000

Can you confirm that your metadata file is valid
perl -c metadata should suffice.
Also, just to be clear, you installed a running copy of RT2 on the new
host in order to perform the dump.  RT2toRT3 expects to be able
to query a live system.

> Then I installed several versions of RT3 and tried the 'dumpfile'
> command, but without any success; the installation process goes well,
> but importing data fails (see [1]).

Is RT3 running properly before the import?
Have you made any test users/tickets/queues prior to the import?
Also, what version of RT3 are you trying.
I've run this several times against 3.6.3 and 3.6.5 with success.

There is an updated version in subversion, it may have some more
debugging for the user failure.  You can find a copy of it at

Usually when we see catastrophic failures like this, its because the  
file was corrupt and meant queues and users failed to be created  


> [1] Executing this results in the following output:
> $ perl dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 /opt/RTmigration.WEG/
> "my" variable $msg masks earlier declaration in same scope at
> /opt/rt3/lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm line 3139.
> Name "RT::LogStackTraces" used only once: possible typo at
> dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 line 64.
> Importing scrips
> Importing users
> Loading user Unnamed user 1
> Creating new user for Unnamed user 1
> [Fri Nov  9 13:59:11 2007] [error]: Could not create a new user -
> (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm:282)
> Failed to create user for$VAR1 = {
>            'CryptedPassword' => undef,
>            'Name' => 'Unnamed user 1'
>          };
> [... for about 300 users and so on...]
> Importing groups
> g
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 10 - not adding to
> g
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 7 - not adding to
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 12 - not adding to
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 15 - not adding to
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 276 - not adding to
> g
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 9 - not adding to
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 11 - not adding to
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 276 - not adding to
> g
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 4 - not adding to
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 8 - not adding to
> g
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 4 - not adding to
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 6 - not adding to
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 8 - not adding to
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 11 - not adding to
> Couldn't find user with RT2 userid 101 - not adding to
> Importing rights
> Couldn't load principal  to grant them Watch on queue
> $VAR1 = {
>           'PrincipalType' => 'User',
>           'PrincipalId' => '4',
>           'Name' => 'Watch'
>         };
> Couldn't load principal  to grant them WatchAsAdminCc on queue
> $VAR1 = {
>           'PrincipalType' => 'User',
>           'PrincipalId' => '4',
>           'Name' => 'WatchAsAdminCc'
>         };
> Couldn't create TICKET: Could not create ticket. Queue not set$VAR1  
> = {
>            'Requestor' => [
>                           'daniel.haha at blah.de'
>                         ],
>            'Owner' => undef,
>            'LastUpdatedBy' => undef,
>            '_RecordTransaction' => '0',
>            'id' => '14981',
>            'Queue' => 'IVWBOX',
>            'Creator' => undef
>          };
> [Fri Nov  9 14:00:33 2007] [crit]: Died at dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 line  
> 697.
>   (/opt/rt3/lib/RT.pm:254)
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