[Rt-devel] Offline Edits lacks documentation/mystery

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 5 12:29:10 EDT 2008

On Aug 4, 2008, at 6:39 PM, Jerrad Pierce wrote:

> As a few others have noted, there's fairly little documentation  
> available about
> "Tools>Offline edits", mostly just some hearsay on these lists.  
> Although tucked
> away in the nether regions of RT, I think it caches peoples eyes as a
> potentially
> useful means of injecting ticket-like data gathered pre-local RT  
> installation.
> If anyone has information that they can contribute to help illuminate
> this enigma,
> please see http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/OfflineEdits I've tried
> to experiment
> with the tool to suss out some answers, but I cannot get it to work...

To get you started:

The tool was designed for a customer who wanted a way to create a  
spreadsheet or text format of tasks in a meeting and upload them.
It uses the same format as the CreateTickets action.

You can "download" formatted copies of certain tasks by clicking the  
"offline" link in a search results page.

> -- 
> Cambridge Energy Alliance: Save money & the planet
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