[Rt-devel] MakeClicky - 3.8.1

Wes Young wcyoung at buffalo.edu
Mon Dec 1 12:02:34 EST 2008

It appears to be a simple parsing issue. When $content comes in as  
rich text (eg: html), the content never matches.

I'm thinking it might be as simple as striping out existing html tags  
from the $content when it comes into MakeClicky (or at-least  
accounting for it), doing the matches and replacing. The obvious work- 
around is to turn off Rich Text editing (which appears to work (at  
least for urls, still testing with ip-addresses, etc).

If I find a few free cycles I might dig in and take more of a look see  
if I can't come up with a patch. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't  
spinning my wheels if someone else had already figured it out...

On Dec 1, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Kevin Falcone wrote:

> On Dec 1, 2008, at 11:13 AM, Wes Young wrote:
>> http://rt3.fsck.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=12514
>> Is this an active bug? or am I missing a patch somewhere...
> Since it was in the rtir queue, I never assigned it to a release.
> It is now linked to a release, but I've not looked at what is going
> on at all.
> -kevin
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