[Rt-devel] Question re. Email.pm code change in RT 3.4.6

Stephen Turner sturner at MIT.EDU
Mon Jul 14 16:27:28 EDT 2008

Between RT 3.4.5 and 3.4.6, the way Email.pm looks through the 
MailPlugins list changed from using $_ to using a local variable:

             $_ = "RT::Interface::Email::".$_ unless $_ =~ 
             eval "require $_;";

             my $Class = $_;
             $Class = "RT::Interface::Email::" . $Class
                 unless $Class =~ /^RT::Interface::Email::/;
             $Class->require or
                 do { $RT::Logger->error("Couldn't load $Class: $@"); next };

Does anyone remember exactly why? I ask because we're using the older 
code and we're seeing an intermittent problem in which $_ appears to 
be set to "RT::Interface::Email::" at the eval, causing the require 
to fail, and users' email to be returned with the 'Could not load 
valid user" message. Was this the same reason the code change was 
made? I checked the 3.4.6 Changelog but couldn't see an entry that 
told me the answer.


Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - SAIS
MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)

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