[Rt-devel] Question re. Email.pm code change in RT 3.4.6

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Jul 14 16:32:18 EDT 2008

On Jul 14, 2008, at 4:27 PM, Stephen Turner wrote:

> Between RT 3.4.5 and 3.4.6, the way Email.pm looks through the
> MailPlugins list changed from using $_ to using a local variable:
> From:
>             $_ = "RT::Interface::Email::".$_ unless $_ =~
> /^RT::Interface::Email::/;
>             eval "require $_;";
> To:
>             my $Class = $_;
>             $Class = "RT::Interface::Email::" . $Class
>                 unless $Class =~ /^RT::Interface::Email::/;
>             $Class->require or
>                 do { $RT::Logger->error("Couldn't load $Class: $@");  
> next };
> Does anyone remember exactly why?

* Killing string eval
* Dealing with weird issues where $_ isn't set properly
* Cleaning up the code.

at least, as i recall

> I ask because we're using the older
> code and we're seeing an intermittent problem in which $_ appears to
> be set to "RT::Interface::Email::" at the eval, causing the require
> to fail, and users' email to be returned with the 'Could not load
> valid user" message. Was this the same reason the code change was
> made? I checked the 3.4.6 Changelog but couldn't see an entry that
> told me the answer.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> Stephen Turner
> Senior Programmer/Analyst - SAIS
> MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)
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