[Rt-devel] Search builder... Broken?

Matthew Watson matthew.watson at staff.netspace.net.au
Thu Jul 17 01:23:07 EDT 2008

Thanks michael, that worked great. I guess it does just come down to  
it not being intuitive, and the order of you doing things being very  

My general way of doing things is just to add all the fields I need to  
restrict on, and then just go advanced.

Matthew Watson.

On 17/07/2008, at 10:56 AM, Michael Brader wrote:

> Matthew Watson writes:
>> Hi,
>>  Just reviewing 3.8, very nice (love the new theme). One thing that
>> stuck me though, is that the search builder still seems to be very
>> difficult to use, and almost impossible (it seems) to do what should
>> be a simple thing without going into the advanced window.
>> The Primary difficulty is constructing queries with variations of AND
>> and OR, and nesting,
>> For example.. Constructing a fairly standard query like
>> Subject LIKE 'abc123' AND Queue = 'General' AND (  Status = 'new' OR
>> Status = 'open' )
>> using the point/click search builder seems impossible, or at least,
>> not intuitive, I can't workout how to do it.
> I wouldn't say it is intuitive unless you've been doing it a few
> years, but you can get your query above by:
> Select 'Subject matches "abc123", Queue is general, and Status is new'
> Hit add
> Click to select "Status = 'new'" in the Current Search box
> Click on the right arrow button to make it a subquery
> Change the Aggregator to 'OR' and add the "Status = 'open'" clause
> Hit add.
>> Is this is a bug in the new version, or just the way query builder
>> works.. or am I just doing it wrong?
> In truth, I usually add about half of that then go to the advanced
> box. My theory is that the interface is intuitive to the authors of
> DBIx::SearchBuilder but presents challenges to the rest of us ;-)
> Cheers,
> Michael
> -- 
> Michael Brader                          michael.brader at youramigo.com
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