[Rt-devel] Rt-devel Digest, Vol 51, Issue 20

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Sun Jun 29 05:29:11 EDT 2008

On Jun 28, 2008, at 1:55 AM, Roy Sowa wrote:

> Jesse
>   You recently asked for feedback on IE...
>   I am in the process  of building 3.8.0rc2 .
> And while I may have broken things as I try to apply some of the  
> older plug-ins and patches  ( hoping they would magically  
> work ...not ) .
> When using IE,  the calendar links pop-up is not working for DATES.

Can you have a look in IE's "javascript error console"?

> If I use firefox all works as expected...
> Also
> Noticed this path on the source of a ticket's  Dates page
> <script type="text/javascript" src="/NoAuth/RichText/fckeditor.js"></ 
> script>
> but in my install the fckeditor.js  and files are found one  
> directory below...
> /NoAuth/RichText/FCKeditor/.....

That's ok. The 'dhandler' tkaes care of that magicall.

> I must use IE in my environment, so a big thanks Jesse for that  
> evening you spent with IE compatibility.
> PS: Thanks to all of you for sharing your efforts.
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