[Rt-devel] basic group rights

Ricardo Oliveira rmo at eurotux.com
Wed Oct 29 07:49:05 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

 I'm developing a new box on the Ticket Display view which includes some
information regarding each Queue (which represent, in our case, a
client). As of right now, it is fully functional, but it is displayed to
everyone with ShowTicket rights on the Queue.
 As some of the information is sensible, I want to limit the access to
only the members of a specific group or the configured admincc: for that
queue (which are, in fact, always the same).

 Could anyone shed some light on RT's rights to ensure some information
is displayed only to some users?

Thanks in advance,
Ricardo Oliveira

Director Lisboa, Centro e Sul
Eurotux Informática, SA
Tel: +351 253257395 // +351 919475934
Fax: +351 253257396

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