[Rt-devel] Where to begin - looking for any guides or information on where things are done (html or lib etc)

Landon Stewart lstewart at superb.net
Tue Sep 2 22:03:08 EDT 2008

Hello RT Devel,

I am a moderately experienced perl programmer in terms of system
administration and data manipulation.  The use of Perl for a CGI application
such as RT has me looking for some information on where things are being
done.  For example, within RTIR, if I wanted to add a link to a ticket like
the '[lookup ip]' link where would I do this that simply referenced a URL
with the ip address filled in where would I do this kind of thing?  Is this
in the Ticket Overlay module or in the HTML?

I'm also interested in automating some of the lookups done on an incident
report to automatically create an 'incident' and perhaps even an
'investigation' for any IP addresses that have been spotted in a report if
there is no other incident or report that is not resolved and has the same
IP address.  This may be more difficult than I'm prepared to handle right
now however.

Landon Stewart <LStewart at SUPERB.NET>
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