[Rt-devel] Bug: RT3.8.1 plugin lib dir handling is not correct

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri Sep 12 09:59:28 EDT 2008

Yep. We've got an open ticket on it. It's actually a bug in  
Module::Install::RTx whtat's special-casing RTx::Foo and chomping off  
that first part of the name.
On Sep 12, 2008, at 3:35 AM, Sven Sternberger wrote:

> Hello!
> we see that the plugin "EmailCompletion" and "BecomeUser" don't work,
> and probably some other plugins
> Enviroment:
> SL5 (RHEL5 derrivat)
> RT3.8.1
> Problem:
> After installing the plugin don't show up in the Web-UI, even if I can
> see them under Tool->System Configuration
> Expected:
> Entry for BecomeUser under Tools, and altered eMail fields due
> EmailCompletion
> Bug:
> In RT.pm the function PluginDirs, has the line
>        $plugindir =~ s/::/-/g;
> This cause RT to look for the wrong directory. The
> directories under $RT::LocalPluginPath don't
> have the prefix "RTx-"
> Solution:
> The plugins should install in the directories
> with the "RTx-" prefix, or the above line should be replaced
> by
>        $plugindir =~ s/.*:://g;
> best regards!
> sven
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