[Rt-devel] [Rt-commit] r19578 - in rt/3.8/trunk: share/html/Ticket/Attachment/WithHeaders

Emmanuel Lacour elacour at easter-eggs.com
Wed Aug 26 09:29:33 EDT 2009

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 05:53:48AM +0400, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> Hello Emmanuel,

Privet Ruslan, and excuse me for answering so late :/

> I'm working on OriginalHeaders sub right now. I see there special case
> when OriginalEncoding is base64 or quoted-printable, but as far as I
> know it's impossible encoding for content.
> b64 and QP are content transfer encodings. Yes, headers can be
> protected using Q or B encoding (variants of b64 and QB). Do we have a
> real need in making "Download with headers" unreadable for a human? I
> can not read Q/B encodings :)

In my opinion, the download with headers link should let us get the
original mail received by RT, but the way RT record email makes this

So there is two solutions I think:

- encode headers
- make headers and content use the same encoding (utf-8)

> Do you have a real life example where OriginalEncoding is b64 or QB?
> And example where we should protect headers using Q or B encodings?

here is example of things that works and things that doesn't works ;)

- if I send a mail full iso-8859-1 (see attached "éssai.eml.gz"), download
  with headers display is ok (see "éssai.png"), using iso-8859-1

- if I send a mail full utf-8 (see attached "éssai utf-8.eml.gz"), download
  with headers display a mixed file, headers are iso8859-1 and displayed
  ok (http Content-Type is iso8859-1), but body is utf-8 and so display
  is not ok (see "éssai utf-8.png")

so the problem is:

- we do not specify the Content-Encoding in HTTP headers (see
- we can have different encoding between headers and body (see

and we can have the problem of header encoding vs body encoding also
when using the forward function (see

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