[Rt-devel] [rt-users] Using rt-mailgate with multiple actions and UnsafeEmailCommands.

Jason A. Smith smithj4 at bnl.gov
Fri Dec 4 17:39:08 EST 2009

On Fri, 2009-12-04 at 16:59 -0500, Jason A. Smith wrote:
> Okay, I also have RT-Extension-CommandByMail installed and it appears
> that it is preventing rt-mailgate from running the UnsafeEmailCommands.
> If I remove Filter::TakeAction from my @MailPlugins list, then it works
> as it should.
> Is this expected behavior, or would this be considered a bug?

I am going to Cc the rt-devel list, if you think this is a bug you can
remove the rt-user list from followups.

I think the problem is actually with the logic in:


The AuthStat value is only initialized once in the beginning of the
function and after CommandByMail's TakeAction processes the correspond
action, AuthStat is left with a value of -2, which means all remaining
actions will be skipped with any plugin.

Shouldn't the AuthStat value be reset for each action?  I think it may
be better to put the actions loop outside of the plugins loop and reset
the AuthStat value for each action.  What do you think?


|  Jason A. Smith                          Email:  smithj4 at bnl.gov |
|  Atlas Computing Facility, Bldg. 510M    Phone: +1-631-344-4226  |
|  Brookhaven National Lab, P.O. Box 5000  Fax:   +1-631-344-7616  |
|  Upton, NY 11973-5000,  U.S.A.                                   |

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