[Rt-devel] problem with superfluously data in CachedGroupMembers table
Loos, Christian
CLoos at netcologne.de
Mon Feb 16 04:32:35 EST 2009
Dear RT Hackers,
I talked to Jesse at the madrid training, that I found a bug in the chart feature.
Finally I got time to analyse the problem.
Here is the situation:
I seached für tickets with a special requestor email address.
RT found 276 tickets. Then I used the chart feature where I grouped
the result by status. Now RT found 552 tickets.
After I executed the shrink_cgm_table.pl script,
the chart feature shows me the correct 276 ticktes.
So it seams to me that the superfluously data in CachedGroupMembers
table making the problems.
You should decide to change the upgrade instruction for the
shrink_cgm_table.pl from 'it is save to use' to
'it is recommended to use'.
For those people, who don't read the upgrade instructions carefully,
you should also correct the query that is executed by the chart feature
to get the tickets count.
You should change
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(main.id) AS id, main.Status ...
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT main.id) AS id, main.Status ...
Attached is a file with the selects and results details.
Our RT Version: 3.8.2 (first time upgrade from 3.6.3)
Regards Chris
Christian Loos
Technik, Service Delivery, Network Documentation & Fibre Management
NETCOLOGNE Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH
Am Coloneum 9 | 50829 Köln
Tel: +49-221-2222-276 | Fax: +49-221-2222-7276
Geschäftsführer: Werner Hanf, Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Zankel
HRB 25580, AG Köln
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