[Rt-devel] [rt-users] MergeUsers extension for RT problem.

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue Oct 6 18:46:44 EDT 2009

On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 11:46:00AM -0400, Jason A. Smith wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-10-02 at 20:36 -0400, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 12:14:40PM -0400, Jason A. Smith wrote:

> > > The patch also adds the reverse link, when viewing the user others have
> > > been merged into, their names now link to their modify user page.
> > 
> > I didn't take this because the extension should actually load the
> > primary user, even when you load a merged user by Id (and this is the
> > behavior I observed while testing).
> Ok, I understand.  So is there any way to see the user data from the
> merged user then?  Or is this data now irrelevant, except for the name &
> email address which are shown in the merge box, since they are now
> effectively the user they were merged into in terms of privileges?

I am not the original author, but thats how it has always appeared to
work.  There is an API for getting the original user object (otherwise
you wouldn't be able to unmerge the user), but that isn't available
from the UI. 

When RT tries to load the 'merged' user, it will always end up with
the merged-into user.  If you need to merge history of the users, you
probably want Ruslan's RT-Extension-MergeUsersHistory script.

> > > While testing this, it seemed a little flaky.  Are there still some
> > > issues or bugs with Real & Effective merged users?
> > 
> > I wasn't aware of any, but I did tweak something with the cache that
> > may have been bugging you (I noticed it while testing your patch).
> > I also cleaned up some warnings and rolled 0.04_01
> I tested this, and after a merge and unmerge, I still see some odd
> behavior.  For example, I merge user 11388 into user 9304, then unmerge
> them.  Now, sometimes, when displaying the Admin Modify.html page for
> user 11388 I am really seeing the page for 9304, like it is still seeing
> and displaying the effective user from the previous merge.  This effect
> seems to go away after several minutes so I wonder if it has something
> to do with old merge data stored in cache somewhere.

There is a cache, but part of the bugfixes for 0.04_01 was cleaning
the cache on an unmerge.  It may need further purging if you can
identify a replication process.  Be aware that if you had
merged/unmerged these users with 0.03 they may not have been fully
unmerged and you may need to do what I recommended earlier and go look
in the Attributes table.

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